The Tabata Protocol
You know the drill, we're doing the same exercises as Day 20. The Tabata protocol consists of 4 exercises. For each exercise,
work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times (rounds) for
a total of 4 minutes per exercise. After the 8th rest, move on to the
next exercise. So you'll be doing 8 rounds of crocodile push-ups, followed by 8
rounds of deck squat jumps, followed by 8 rounds of 1 leg wall squats and 8 rounds
of jack knives. Total workout time is 16 minutes. Good luck!
Scoring your Tabata workout
Record only the lowest number of reps you were able to complete for each exercise. For example, if you do 20 crocodile push-ups followed by 20, 18, 16, 10, 12, 11, 11, write down 10 as your score because that's the lowest number of
crocodile push-ups you were able to perform. Do the same for the other 3 exercises. Click on "Post Your Results" to record
your score, this will post your numbers on your wall. You can hide them
from your friends if you want, but I encourage you to share your
numbers as a motivator. Keep your numbers handy, you will need them next week.
1. Crocodile Push-ups
Much like the cliff scalers, this is an advanced push-up exercise. But instead of stepping sideways in between push-ups, you‘ll be stepping forward and backward as you perform the push-ups. Get yourself into push-up position and take a step forward by advancing your right hand and your right leg. Now bring your left hand and your left leg forward to complete the second step. Keep going until you‘ve taken 8 steps or you‘ve run out of room. Then, do the same thing backwards to get back to your starting position. Keep your core tight and your back straight. Don‘t wuss out on the movement, bend your elbows at least 90 degrees every time. Inhale when you go down, exhale when you come up. Score it like standard push-ups.
2. Deck Squat Jumps
Stand up straight with 8 to 10 feet of room behind you. Jump up as high as you can. When you land, squat down until your glutes hit the floor and roll back. Bring your knees to your chest and straighten your legs so that your feet are behind your head. This is your ending position. Without using your hands, rewind your moves and jump up as high as you can. Breathe properly. Add one point every time you cycle from starting to ending position. Practice this move a few times before you start the routine.
Take breaks if you need to. Good luck!