The Fifty Ten Protocol
There are 4 rounds. In 50 seconds, do as many repetitions of the 1st exercise (burpees) as you can. Take a 10 second rest before moving on to the 2nd (cross hops), 3rd (cliff scalers) and 4th (incline dips) exercises. Once you've completed all 4 exercises, you've covered Round 1. Do it again 3 more times to complete Rounds 2, 3 and 4. Total workout time is 16 minutes.
Scoring your Fifty Ten workout
Write down the number of reps your performed for each exercise on Round 1 only. For example, if you manage to do 20 burpees, 25 cross hops, 15 cliff scalers and 30 incline dips on the 1st round, then type in 20, 25, 15 and 30 on to the top right corner of this page. Click on "Post your results!" to record your score, this will post your numbers on your wall. You can hide them from your friends if you want, but I encourage you to share your numbers as a motivator. Keep your numbers handy, you will need them for Day 25. If you really don't want to share your scores online, save them on a spreadsheet or write them down on a piece of paper.
1. BurpeesThe burpee is one of the best full body exercises out there and my personal favorite. Start in a standing position and drop into a straight arms plank. Perform a push-up. Now hop your feet in towards your chest and jump up as high as you can. As you land, get yourself into a push-up and start all over again. Remember to breathe. Add a score of 1 for every time you cycle from the starting position to the ending position. If you do 10 burpees, log 10 as your score.
2. Cross Hops
From a stand, lift your left leg and balance all your weight onto your right leg. Now, hop forward, backward, left and right to form a cross with your foot. Stay on the ball of your foot the whole time, do not let your heel touch the ground. Cover as much distance as you can. Alternate foot on the next round. Breathe regularly. Add a score of 1 every time you complete a full cross.
Take breaks if you need to. Good luck!