The Time Attack Protocol
Alright, this is the third and last time you'll be doing these exercises, so give it all you've got! Next week, you'll get a brand new batch of cool stuff. For today's workout, instead of performing a maximum numbers of reps in a specific time, you're going to do a specific number of reps in minimum time. For each exercise, add your score from Day 12 with your score from Day 15 and multiply the result by 3. That's your reps goal for today. You can do your exercises in any order, jump from one to the other at any time and take rests whenever you want. Your mission is to complete all your exercises as fast as possible. Kudos if you can make it in under 16 minutes.
If you are logged in to your facebook account, this page has already calculated your goals for today and you can see your numbers on the top right corner. If not, you can still calculate it manually. My friend scored 40 snowboarder's 180, 35 plank in & outs, 39 jump kicks and 12 dive bombers on Day 12 and 18, 21, 20, 3 on Day 15. So his goals for today are (40 + 18) x 3 = 174 snowboarder 180s, (35 + 21) x 3 = 168 plank in & outs, (39 + 20) x 3 = 177 jump kicks (half each side) and (12 + 3) x 3 = 45 dive bombers.
Scoring your Time Attack workout
Just enter your goals (if they're not already there) and the time it took you to finish the workout at the top right corner of this page. Click on "Post your results" to record your score, this will post your numbers on your wall. You can hide them from your friends if you want, but I encourage you to share your numbers as a motivator.
1. Snowboarder 180s
For this exercise you will need a snowboard. Nah, I‟m just messing with you; a pulse and some determination will do just fine. While keeping your torso up, squat down until you can touch the floor with the tip of your left hand. This is your starting position. Jump 180 degrees and land squatted down with your right hand where your left hand just was. Jump back into your starting position to complete the move. Add a score of 1 every time you get airborne.
2. Plank In & Outs
Start in a straight-arms plank position. Jump your knees in towards your chest with your feet under your buttocks. Jump back into a straight-arms plank to finish your move. Go as fast as you can with good form. Add a score of 1 every time you jump your knees in.
Save time by resting less, not by going too fast!