First time? Here's the skinny.

Welcome to your first Max Capacity Training workout! If you like the workout, please tell your friends about this website.
Let's go over the basics of this page. Before you begin your workout, you need to understand 2 things:
1. the exercises of the day
2. this week's protocol
Got it? Good. Now, put on some music, full screen the timer and work your ass off. Log your score on the top right corner and submit it. You will need it for Week 3's workout. Oh, I almost forgot. You are responsible for your own body, I can't be held liable if you hurt yourself. Check out the disclaimer before you begin.
Let's go over the basics of this page. Before you begin your workout, you need to understand 2 things:
1. the exercises of the day
2. this week's protocol
Got it? Good. Now, put on some music, full screen the timer and work your ass off. Log your score on the top right corner and submit it. You will need it for Week 3's workout. Oh, I almost forgot. You are responsible for your own body, I can't be held liable if you hurt yourself. Check out the disclaimer before you begin.
The Fifty Ten Protocol
There are 4 rounds. In 50 seconds, do as many repetitions of the 1st exercise (squats) as you can. Take a 10 second rest before moving on to the 2nd (push-ups), 3rd (lunges) and 4th (plank) exercises. Once you've completed all 4 exercises, you've covered Round 1. Do it again 3 more times to complete Rounds 2, 3 and 4. Total workout time is 16 minutes.
Scoring your Fifty Ten workout
Write down the number of reps your performed for each exercise on Round 1 only. For example, if you manage to do 30 squats, 23 push-ups, 32 lunges and hold your plank for 40 seconds on the 1st round, then type in 30, 23, 32 and 40 on to the top right corner of this page. Click on "Post your results!" to record your score, this will post your numbers on your wall. You can hide them from your friends if you want, but I encourage you to share your numbers as a motivator. Keep your numbers handy, you will need them for Week 3. If you really don't want to share your scores online, save them on a spreadsheet or write them down on a piece of paper.
1. SquatsPosition your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart with your arms relaxed at your sides. While keeping your torso up, lower your body until your thighs are parallel with the ground. At the same time, bring both your hands up in front of your torso. Keep your back straight the whole time. Come back up to your starting position to complete the move. If you perform 10 squats, type in 10 on the score box.
2. Push-upsLie stomach down on the floor, feet together. Place your hands under your shoulders and push yourself up into a straight plank. Look forward and keep your back straight. Lower your body until either your torso or your chin touches the floor. Then push yourself up again. Add a score of 1 every time you perform a proper form push-up. Record your score on the top right corner of this page.
That's all you need to know. So scroll up, put some music on and work your ass off!
Uho, Facebook deleted all the comments by mistake :(